EuroNCAP / IIHS - Running safe
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EuroNCAP / IIHS - Running safe


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EuroNCAP / IIHS - Running safe
« on: November 29, 2012, 08:25:42 AM »
La testul EuroNCAP din toamna 2012, Subaru Forester obtine 5 stele


Forester a obținut un punctaj bun la impactul frontal și la impactul lateral cu o barieră, al doilea test marcând punctajul maxim posibil. În cazul impactului cu un stâlp, modelul nipon a prezentat protecție marginală pentru torace. La impactul din spate, tetierele și scaunele au rezistat bine, oferind un nivel bun de protecție.

Comentariul l-am luat de pe

EuroNCAP spun:
"Adult occupant
The passenger compartment remained stable in the frontal impact. Dummy readings indicated good protection of the kness and femurs of the driver and passenger. Subaru showed that a similar level of protection would be provided to occupants of different sizes and to those sat in different seating positions. In the side barrier test, the Forester scored maximum points, with good protection of all body regions. In the more severe side pole impact, dummy readings of rib compression indicated marginal protection of the chest. However, the seat and head restraint provided good protection against whiplash injuries in the event of a rear-end collision.

Child occupant
In the frontal impact, forward movement of the 3 year dummy, sat in a forward facing restraint, was not excessive. In the side impact, both dummies were properly contained by their restraints, minimising the possibility of dangerous head contacts. The front passenger airbag of the Forester is off by default, allowing a rearward facing child restraint to be safely used in that seating position. The airbag is turned on only when an occupant of a suitable size is detected in the seat. The system met Euro NCAP's requirements and was rewarded.

The bumper scored maximum points for the protection it provided to pedestrians' legs. However, the front edge of the bonnet was poor in all areas tested and scored no points. In most areas where the bonnet would be struck by the head of an adult or that of a child, the bonnet provided good protection against serious injury.

Safety assist
Electronic stability control and seatbelt reminders for front and rear seats are standard features on the Subaru Forester, and met Euro NCAP's test requirements. A speed limitation device is not available.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2016, 19:20:44 PM by Foreste »
Forester 2.0 XT MY2017 - Black Betty (bam-ba-lam!)
Forester Diesel MY2011 - Foreste  |  Blogu' lu' Foreste


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Răspuns: EuroNCAP / IIHS - Running safe
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2016, 19:22:11 PM »
Top 10 Safest Small SUVs 2016/2017

E interesant ca pe primul loc este noul Tucson.
Forester abia pe locul 7.

Top 10 Safest Mid-Size Cars 2016/2017

Legacy pe locul 6

Top 10 Safest Small Cars 2017

WRX pe locul 8

« Last Edit: December 12, 2016, 19:38:18 PM by Foreste »
Forester 2.0 XT MY2017 - Black Betty (bam-ba-lam!)
Forester Diesel MY2011 - Foreste  |  Blogu' lu' Foreste


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Răspuns: EuroNCAP / IIHS - Running safe
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2016, 21:12:11 PM »
Care e povestea cu farurile? Acolo am vazut ca sta prost Foresteru, dar nu inteleg ce inseamna asta.
Ford Kuga FHEV AWD ST-Line X 2024
Ex Forester SG 2.5XT 2006
Ex Forester SG 2.0x 2008


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Răspuns: EuroNCAP / IIHS - Running safe
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2016, 21:26:20 PM »
Cat de eficiente sunt farurile noaptea, pentru a preveni accidentele.
Forester 2.0 XT MY2017 - Black Betty (bam-ba-lam!)
Forester Diesel MY2011 - Foreste  |  Blogu' lu' Foreste


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Răspuns: EuroNCAP / IIHS - Running safe
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2016, 21:28:16 PM »
Inainte de a lovi pietonul cu 100km/h exista riscul de a-i provoca temporar miopie.
Nu stiu cat au platit Hyundai pentru pozitia in clasament dar eu mizez tot pe Subaru.

Am avut eu un small overlap test intre botul unui Subaru si lateralul unui Hyundai i40.

Cine credeti ca a fost facut K.O. ???

PS: Cred ca am o pasiune pentru coreene, le strivesc ocazional ca pe muste.
(A nu se supara posesorii de coreene)
ex. Impreza 2.0D
Forester 2.0MT
ex. Forester 2.5XT

Subaru Da, Lego Nu.


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Răspuns: EuroNCAP / IIHS - Running safe
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2016, 21:45:06 PM »
Mie nu-mi place sa ma imbat cu apa rece - Foresterul SG are faruri xenon jenante, lumineaza cam ca unele cu halogen bune de la alte firme, noroc ca le tradeaza culoarea ca sunt xenon.
Hyundai a evoluat mult. Nu vor egala prea curand dinamica unui Subaru, daca o vor egala vreodata, dar in rest, la siguranta, dotari si calitatea interioarelor sunt la nivel european. Noul Tucson este fain, m-a impresionat si m-a surprins intr-un mod foarte placut, pacat ca n-au si motoare.
Ford Kuga FHEV AWD ST-Line X 2024
Ex Forester SG 2.5XT 2006
Ex Forester SG 2.0x 2008


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Răspuns: EuroNCAP / IIHS - Running safe
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2016, 22:02:51 PM »
Lipsa lentilei de focalizare este motivul principal pentru care lumineaza prost.
Oglinda disperseaza lumina reflectata.

Pe mine nu ma deranjeaza prea mult lumina farului, ma deranjeaza ca se inunda droserul.
ex. Impreza 2.0D
Forester 2.0MT
ex. Forester 2.5XT

Subaru Da, Lego Nu.

Răspuns: EuroNCAP / IIHS - Running safe
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2016, 10:42:33 AM »

Pe mine nu ma deranjeaza prea mult lumina farului, ma deranjeaza ca se inunda droserul.

Droserul se poate inunda, de exemplu, cu spalari dese ale farurilor?