Opensource How To : flash your ecu using opensource
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Opensource How To : flash your ecu using opensource


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Opensource How To : flash your ecu using opensource
« on: December 02, 2012, 23:50:14 PM »
 Exclamation OPENSOURCE HOW TO: Flash your ecu useing opensource software
FIRST OF ALL READ PSINUSE'S STICKY to make sure that opensource is what you want and know the issues of doing it wrong
also read these
Rom Raider FAQ -
Tuning FAQ - RomRaider -

needed equipment/ tools:
laptop (with full charge)
tactrix cable (for your make and model)
Ecuflash software (Open Source ECU ROMS)
Enginuity software(RomRaider - Open Source ECU Tools | RomRaider / Rom Raider)
[before doing any of the following steps turn your key forward but not on make sure your battery is charged ( if you have a turbo timer shut it OFF)

step 1: connect your tactrix cable to your laptops usb port
step 2: connect your tactrix cable to your diagnostic port
step 3: connect green wires this puts your car in diagnostic mode( you will hear your fans cycle) they are under the dash closest to the drivers door
step 4: open ecuflash
step 5: read your ecu's stock map and save it to a SD card,flash drive, or to your pc
step 6: open your desired map
step 7: test write to ecu to make sure of connectivity or errors
step 8: then if everything is ok write(flash) the desired map to your cars ecu
step 9: read your ecu again and compare your map to the map you flashed(you can use enginuity for this step if desired)
step 10: disconnect the green wires
step 11: start your car and take it for a ride to make sure it runs properly( no sputtering or knock) obvious signs it is not running correctly
step 12: log your car using enginuity

Air/Fuel Correction #1 (%)
AF Learning #1 (Current)* (%)
Coolant Temperature (F)
Engine Load* (g/rev)
Engine Speed (rpm)
Feedback Knock Correction* (degrees)
Fine Learning Knock Correction* (degrees)
IAM* (multiplier)
Ignition Timing (degrees)
Injector Duty Cycle (%)
Intake Air Temperature (F)
Manifold Rel. Pressure (Corrected) (psi)
Mass Air Flow (g/s)
Throttle Opening Angle (%)
Vehicle Speed (mph)

« Last Edit: December 02, 2012, 23:56:46 PM by malakay »
Straights are for fast cars, corners are for fast drivers. - Colin McRae


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Rãspuns: Opensource How To : flash your ecu using opensource
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2012, 00:32:55 AM »
Indemni lumea la prostii :o
Pentru FAAAAANi nu pentru bani!


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Rãspuns: Opensource How To : flash your ecu using opensource
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2013, 23:41:24 PM »
Stiu ca e vechi topicul, dar ca sa nu deschid altul pe acelasi subiect: cine a mai experimentat/invatat chestii interesante pe open source ? In cluj suntem vreo 2 cel putin care mai citim/experimentam asa usor :) dar ar fi interesant de povestit si cu altii ...


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Rãspuns: Opensource How To : flash your ecu using opensource
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2013, 11:42:47 AM »
si pe mine ma mananca rau ... sa imi cumpar  un tatrix cable ... sau un acces port de la cobb dar nu stiu daca o sa mearga acces portu pe edm sau jdm !
Straights are for fast cars, corners are for fast drivers. - Colin McRae


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Rãspuns: Opensource How To : flash your ecu using opensource
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2013, 11:44:12 AM »
acces portu nu merge, acum pe generatiile noi poate au schimbat ceva dar in rest doar usdm pentru acces port
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Rãspuns: Opensource How To : flash your ecu using opensource
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2013, 11:59:50 AM »
acces port nu merge intradevar, in schimb tactrix/romraider/ecuflash ... fara probleme :)
eu mai "shurubaresc" una / alta asa lejer pe ecu map-ul meu, cand sunt foarte odihnit si cu mult timp liber de logat/modificat/logat/logat .... :)


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Rãspuns: Opensource How To : flash your ecu using opensource
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2013, 11:08:39 AM »
ceva noutati pe aici?
andea79 poti face publice logarile/modificarile/logarile/logarile ?
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Rãspuns: Opensource How To : flash your ecu using opensource
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2013, 14:40:46 PM »
Pai eu pot "publica" loguri ... desi asa fara nici un scop anume nu stiu cat de folositoare/de inteles ar fi.
Ideea e ca pe logger sunt cativa zeci de parametri care pot fi monitorizati si in functie de scopul operatiunii de logare (ca se urmareste daca se atinge target boost-ul, ca se urmareste timingul, ca se urmareste in ce situatii/daca apare knock...  sau altceva ...) se selecteaza cativa parametrii relevanti si log-ul normal va contine aceste informatii.