Subaru Inteligent Drive (SI-Drive)
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Subaru Inteligent Drive (SI-Drive)


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Subaru Inteligent Drive (SI-Drive)
« on: September 30, 2010, 09:55:55 AM »
Am sa pun mai jos descrierea oficiala a sistemului SI-Drive asa cum vine ea de la Subaru. Din pacate este in engleza si daca aveti probleme cu traducerea va putem ajuta.

  Intelligent (push down on the knob) – smoothness

    * Improved drivability in inclement weather – the engine is less sensitive to movement of the accelerator pedal
    * Smoother operation in traffic, with moderate power delivery
    * Increased fuel economy by up to 10 percent
    * Well-balanced performance

  Sport (turn the knob counterclockwise) – linearity

    * Linear power delivery – engine response is almost in direct proportion to accelerator pedal movement
    * Quick throttle response
    * Ideal for day-to-day, all-around performance driving
    * Fun-to-drive feel – to help make the driving experience a personal adventure

   Sport Sharp (turn the knob clockwise) – responsiveness

    * Rapid power delivery – engine response reaches 100 percent with approximately 54 percent accelerator pedal movement
    * Added performance edge (close to the feel of an Impreza WRX STI)
    * Quicker throttle response
    * Quicker engine power delivery
    * Greater torque at lower engine speeds
    * For exhilarating, maximum-performance driving


As a student studying the internal- combustion engine, Toshio Masuda foresaw a time when engines would be able to change characteristics without replacing systems within them. Later, as Project General Manager of Legacy and Outback for Subaru, he found support for his ideas, and the end result is SI-DRIVE – an engine control that electronically alters how an engine operates.

Today, SI-DRIVE is found in 2008 Subaru Legacy and Outback models with turbocharged and six-cylinder engines. This feature allows the driver to manage the vehicle’s electronic engine and automatic-transmission controls by switching between three modes.

SI-DRIVE’s purpose is to maximize engine performance, control, and efficiency. As conceived by Mr. Masuda, SI-DRIVE has the effect of giving a vehicle three different engines in one.


The modes are selected by a knob located behind the shifter, and they’re marked Intelligent, Sport, and Sport Sharp. (A Sport Sharp button is added to the steering wheel for 2008.) The selected mode is shown in the multifunction display window in the instrument panel along with a representation of the corresponding torque curve.

Choosing a mode sends signals to the vehicle’s body control module. From there, wiring carries signals almost instantaneously to the engine’s and automatic transmission’s electronic control units. The SI-DRIVE settings change the control units’ programming (mapping).

Programming changes modify engine torque characteristics by adjusting how engine and transmission components function. These components include the electronic throttle, fuel delivery system, ignition, turbocharger wastegate, and automatic transmission response.

Intelligent: With its moderate power delivery and smooth drivability, this mode is ideal for around-town driving and for difficult driving conditions such as slick roads or loose surfaces. It is the most fuel-efficient of the three modes.

Sport: This mode is versatile, providing linear acceleration that is as ideal for freeways and suburban streets as it is for climbing mountain roads.

Sport Sharp: Delivering maximum driving enjoyment, this mode is ideal for tackling twisting roads and for confidently merging or overtaking other vehicles on the highway


The SI-DRIVE system can sense when a potential engine or transmission problem may exist, and it will react to help prevent damage.

For example, if the CHECK ENGINE warning light/malfunction indicator light illuminates while the engine is running, SI-DRIVE automatically resets to Sport mode. When the light is on, changing to either Sport Sharp mode or Intelligent mode is not possible.

 Also, if the temperature of the engine coolant increases to the point of possible overheating, selection of the Sport Sharp mode is not possible. If the selector is in Sport Sharp when engine temperature reaches a certain point, the system automatically resets to the Sport mode.

Similarly, the SI-DRIVE selectors in Legacy and Outback models with 3.0-liter engines automatically reset to Sport mode when engine oil temperature increases.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2010, 23:09:28 PM by MihaiFlorescu »


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Rspuns: Subaru Inteligent Drive (SI-Drive)
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2010, 13:44:36 PM »
Eu din fraza: "The SI-DRIVE settings change the control units’ programming (mapping)." inteleg ca exista harti, dar este evaziva afirmatia si e posibil sa fie ceva asemanator hartilor.


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Rspuns: Subaru Inteligent Drive (SI-Drive)
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2010, 14:08:34 PM »
SI - Drive practic este un sistem care te ajuta sa iti selectezi cat de repede sa iti raspunda masina, dupa cum urmeaza practic daca esti pe inteligent si apesi pedala maxim, DBW-ul stie ca trebuie sa aiba un delay si pe masura ce deschide treptat clapeta de acceleratie incepe sa deschida si cele 4 Tumbler Valves de sub galeria de admisie, astfel ECU stie raportul de deschidere primit de la DBW, se asteapta la o anumita masa de aer si compenseaza cu benzina respectiva, astfel selectand o deschidere mai prompta a DBW-ului si a Tumbler Valves se face la momentul respectiv compensarea necesara,  baietii de la Blitz din Japonia au un sistem de control asemanator cu SI-Drive-ul inca din 2006 ;) o zi buna
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Răspuns: Subaru Inteligent Drive (SI-Drive)
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2010, 21:57:18 PM »
Foarte interesanta aceasta prezentare Mihai.


Răspuns: Subaru Inteligent Drive (SI-Drive)
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2012, 22:46:17 PM »
Ce as fi eu curios sa aflu este, pana la cati cai iti scade programul Intellignet puterea? cei de la reprezentanta mi-au zis "pana la 200" apai... merci!
Poate cineva sa-mi dea un raspuns mai concret?


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Răspuns: Subaru Inteligent Drive (SI-Drive)
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2012, 22:50:19 PM »
Din ce am citit printre review-uri, puterea scade la 60%, acum care e adevarul nu stiu.

Răspuns: Subaru Inteligent Drive (SI-Drive)
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2017, 16:55:08 PM »
Pentru cine este interesat să afle mai multe, am căutat și găsit câteva informații (mai vechi sau mai noi) despre SI-Drive:

- Subaru Intelligent Drive (SI-Drive)

- 2015 Subaru WRX Automatic
Intelligent or I mode is for a laid-back fuel-economy run. In S or sport, the CVT holds revs longer and the top “gear” is shorter.

- Fuji Heavy Industries Unveils the Revolutionary Intelligent Driving Enhancement System “SI-DRIVE”

- Subaru’s New SI-Drive: “Intelligent” Mode Can Boost Fuel Efficiency by 10%
The SI-Drive controls the electronic throttle system’s response and fuel and ignition curves to modify engine torque characteristics, changing the performance character of the car in each mode.

- What is Subaru SI-Drive?
Sport mode gives you the best acceleration and is the most responsive option. Driving will be most enjoyable on winding roads or for high-speed driving and is suited for all-round conditions.

- SUBARU Lab Episode 6: Lineartronic / DIT / SI-DRIVE

- Subaru STi SI-Drive & DCCD Explained

- Laymans terms please...SI Drive explanation (a se vedea și graficele din mesajul ulterior din acel topic)
"I" limits boost to like 7-8psi, and smoother throttle response.
"S" smoother throttle response.
"S#" full out.

- 2007 Spec.B Dyno Number
I Drive - 189.80 whp / 185.36 tq
S Drive - 234.28 whp / 232.45 tq
S# Drive - 231.65 whp / 233.51 tq


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Răspuns: Subaru Inteligent Drive (SI-Drive)
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2017, 17:13:30 PM »
ca posesor de utilaj cu SI Drive si mai ales persoana care m-am jucat cu setarile din rom aferente SI Drive-ului in toate felurile nu pot decat sa repet ca este in principal o chestie de marketing ... din pacate nu este nici "Revolutionary" si nici nu modifica " ... fuel and ignition curves .... "

tot ce face este sa modifice deschiderea clapetei de acc (The SI-Drive controls the electronic throttle system - asta da), in concluzie cantitatea de aer intrata in motor variaza si normal ca ECU aplica o alta curba de fuel and ignition daaar nu este o curba specifica modului I/S/S# selectat ci o curba specifica cantitatii de aer si turatiei motorului, altfel zis in S# poti obtine aceleasi curbe din I prin modularea pedalei de acceleratie - nu stiu cum sa mai explic altfel :)


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Răspuns: Subaru Inteligent Drive (SI-Drive)
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2017, 17:32:02 PM »
N-ai cum  :D
WRX SW 2002

Răspuns: Subaru Inteligent Drive (SI-Drive)
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2017, 20:21:36 PM »
Două completări la informațiile anterioare:

- Dissecting The 2015 STi - SI Drive engine managament

- Laymans terms please...SI Drive explanation
The feel of 3 different engines in 1 car sounds about right :) Dyno showing the difference between my 3 modes when tuned. Theres almost a gap of 100wtq between the I mode and S# mode around 3k rpms. Thats probably the same TQ amount that a honda civic puts out  ;D Twist of the knob or hit the button and its a different car for me  :)

Aceste curbe seamănă destul de bine cu:
Sport mode

Intelligent mode


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Răspuns: Subaru Inteligent Drive (SI-Drive)
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2017, 20:33:37 PM »
Acelasi lucru il zice si andea79. Afirmatia cu diferenta de cuplu trebuie completara de intervalul de turatie. Dupa cum vezi, dupa un timp toate ajung la acelasi maxim.

Si se aplica la calcarea progresiva a acceleratiei, nu pentru pedala la podea.

In viata reala nu vei simti aceasta diferenta la fel de evident pentru ca nu exista Mos Craciun sa inghesuie 100 reni mai multi.
Nu o sa calci cu grija acceleratia sa zici ca simti caii putere cum dau navala. Esti cu pedala la fund all the way.

Sa spunem ca este un reglaj al grosimii pentru talpa de bocanc.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2017, 20:36:52 PM by MihaiFlorescu »


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Răspuns: Subaru Inteligent Drive (SI-Drive)
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2017, 20:36:07 PM »
Rezultatele finale de pe dyno s-ar putea sa se datoreze acelui, citez, <<"I" limits boost to like 7-8psi>>. Probabil versiunile turbo mai recente umbla si la presiunea de supraalimentare. Complet nevalabil la aspirat.
Insa, cand tragi linie, tot comercial ramane. Pe "I" i-au taiat din elan, nu i-au adaugat. Marketing, gadget.
WRX SW 2002

Răspuns: Răspuns: Subaru Inteligent Drive (SI-Drive)
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2017, 20:58:23 PM »
Acelasi lucru il zice si andea79. Afirmatia cu diferenta de cuplu trebuie completara de intervalul de turatie. Dupa cum vezi, dupa un timp toate ajung la acelasi maxim.
Parametrul timp cred că este elementul cheie: în cât timp ajungi la maxim în fiecare mod în parte.

Ceea ce mi-aș fi dorit să găsesc erau teste comparative între cele trei moduri (0-100km/h, reprize 60-100km/h, 80-120km/h etc.). Astfel, dacă cu pedala în podea obții aceiași timpi, este clar doar marketing... și înseamnă că încep și japonezii să se strice (ca europenii) umblând cu "spoieli" din astea (sau altfel spus: aceeași "cioară" vopsită intelligent în trei culori).


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Răspuns: Răspuns: Subaru Inteligent Drive (SI-Drive)
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2017, 21:10:59 PM »
Acel "I" induce un intentionat lag. Esti cu pedala la podea, clapeta se deschide complet (wot) cu o intarziere de ordinul zecimilor de secunda. La setarea sport, e aproape instantaneu, intervenind doar intarzierele aferente unui sistem electronic.
Deci diferentele la reprize, la o cutie manuala, unde schimbi 2 trepte, sa fie de "ordinul zecimilor de secunda" x 2.
Reprizele, la CVT, unde nu schimbi nicio treapta, ar trebui sa fie la fel.

Si scriu si aici ce am scris altundeva. Cel mai sport sharp e ala cu acceleratie prin cablu mecanic. Dar are si ala intarzierile lui la injectie, asa ca cel mai sharp din univers e carburatorul  ;)

Subaru se aliniaza la cerintele clientelei sau nu vinde si dispare. Simplu.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2017, 21:12:44 PM by Muttley »
WRX SW 2002


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Răspuns: Subaru Inteligent Drive (SI-Drive)
« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2017, 21:15:09 PM »
da, timp-ul este cum zici pentru ca ti-ar lua x secunde sa ajungi de la 60km/h la 100km/h cu pedala apasata 60% si x*2 secunde cu pedala apasata 30% daca totul ar fi liniar , dar simplificat asta face SI Drive-ul, pe modul I chiar daca apesi pedala 60% din cursa ecu se comporta ca si pe S# cu pedala 30% ...

pe de alta parte daca esti pe I (cel putin pe STI 2008+) si apesi pedala 100% mai mult de cateva secunde (sau mai putin ca nu mai retin exact /este configurabil din rom oricum) trece singura/automat pe S

de asemenea, limiteaza boost-ul si deschiderea TGV-urilor daca e sa intram in detalii ... pentru ca target boost-ul se calculeaza in functie de requested torque la fel cum TGV-urile se inchid/deschid in functie de requested  torque, exemplu

se vede ca pe modul I la pedala de acc apasata 100% avem valoare maxima de requested torque de 350
cu acest 350 intram pe tabela de target boost unde se vede ca avem aprox.  11psi pana spre 6000rpm

si pe thread-ul celalalt pusesem poze cu tabelele de S si S#

si target boost la un model drive by cable

unde se vede ca este legat direct de pozitia clapetei de acc

LE: tocmai mi-a venit explicatia geniala despre diferenta dintre I si S# : este ca si cum ai conduce cu slapi si la un moment dat unul intra sub pedala de acceleratie  - esti pe I mode, il scoti de sub pedala - esti pe S# mode :)
« Last Edit: January 25, 2017, 21:25:36 PM by andea79 »


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Răspuns: Subaru Inteligent Drive (SI-Drive)
« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2017, 22:03:27 PM »
Mi-am amintit de aberatia asta:

Acelasi lucru  :D

Edit: 36 Acceleration programs (18 manual & 18 auto)
« Last Edit: January 25, 2017, 22:05:18 PM by Muttley »
WRX SW 2002


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Răspuns: Subaru Inteligent Drive (SI-Drive)
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2017, 22:10:05 PM »
BOULEKOS DYNAMIC (imi place cum se plimba limba'n gura la numele asta) si au dealer chiar si in romania/brasov pe ... mega meserie :)
(sper ca nu se considera reclama :) )

Răspuns: Subaru Inteligent Drive (SI-Drive)
« Reply #17 on: January 26, 2017, 00:10:22 AM »
Am găsit un clip pe YouTube în care este un test comparativ 0-100km/h între modul Intelligent și S#. Rezultatele testelor se regăsesc și în descriere, iar partea cea mai importantă începe la 5:50.


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Răspuns: Subaru Inteligent Drive (SI-Drive)
« Reply #18 on: January 26, 2017, 10:05:10 AM »
Case closed? Multumim de video!

Practic demonstreaza 2 lucruri:
1. I sau S# este acelasi lucru cand esti cu acceleratia la podea (rezultatele 0-100 sunt 6.6 si 6.7)
2. 6MT ramane cea mai tare transmisie :D


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Răspuns: Subaru Inteligent Drive (SI-Drive)
« Reply #19 on: January 26, 2017, 10:22:16 AM »
Mi-am amintit de aberatia asta:

Acelasi lucru  :D

Edit: 36 Acceleration programs (18 manual & 18 auto)

Ai fi surprins sa afli ca nu e bs. Evident, sarind peste numarul impresionant de "programe", ramane adevarat ca are 3 moduri de accelerare. Practic emuleaza (evident doar la masini drive by wire) un condus mai agresiv, mintind ECU cum ca userul a apasat mai mult pedala intr-un timp mai scurt. Multi au fost foarte multumiti de rezultat, dar... guess what, pe subaru nu s-a comportat asa grozav.  :D
Am avut cateva zile pe aspirata si masina smucea mai mult, probabil ecu facea ceva compensatii ciudate si a iesit un carcalete.
Dar stiu oameni care  au de ani de zile asa ceva (bmw aspirat, golf 5 de ex) si sunt foarte happy.
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