Subaru forester diesel P1380 Glow Relay Circuit
Subaru club Romania

Subaru forester diesel P1380 Glow Relay Circuit

Subaru forester diesel P1380 Glow Relay Circuit
« on: January 12, 2019, 13:39:29 PM »
Buna ziua, sunt un nou posesor de Subaru forester diesel din 2012 si am observat ca am cateva probleme la masina si vreau sa va cer sfatul: 1) cruise control palpaie 2)nu functioneaza controlul tractiunii ( din cate am citit e normal sa fie dezactivat atata timp cat cruise controlul nu merge) 3) un fosnet in treapta a 6 -a. Multumesc, si sper ca n am facut o alegere gresita :)
« Last Edit: August 01, 2020, 14:56:25 PM by MihaiFlorescu »


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Re: Subaru forester diesel 2012
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2019, 14:00:28 PM »
CC + VDCS Off semnalizeaza o defectiune. Care anume, doar un tester o poate spune.
Nu cumva ai si check engine aprins ?
Are si alte simptome - de exemplu pierdere de putere, etc ?
Daca ai doar aprinsi martorii Check Engine + CC + VDCS Off, fara alte simptome, cel mai probabil e o problema cu valva EGR.
Indicat ar fi sa mergi la service si sa faci o verificare pe tester.
ex - Forester Boxer Diesel - MY2008
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Re: Subaru forester diesel 2012
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2019, 14:26:35 PM »
In bord doar cruise controlul clipeste, nimic altceva. Masina trage bine, consumul imi arata 12 , oare atat consuma in Bucuresti? Mentionez ca am doar 100 km facuti cu masina si masina are 210.000km. Vreun service deschis astazi unde sa fac o diagnoza?


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Re: Subaru forester diesel 2012
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2019, 14:53:53 PM »
Buna ziua, sunt un nou posesor de Subaru forester diesel din 2012 si am observat ca am cateva probleme la masina si vreau sa va cer sfatul: 1) cruise control palpaie 2)nu functioneaza controlul tractiunii ( din cate am citit e normal sa fie dezactivat atata timp cat cruise controlul nu merge) 3) un fosnet in treapta a 6 -a. Multumesc, si sper ca n am facut o alegere gresita :)

In ce conditii au aparut erorile ?
100km sunt putini pentru a cunoaste consumul. Ideal ar fi sa faci doua plinuri si sa imparti singur cantitatea alimentata la kilometri.
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Subaru Da, Lego Nu.

Re: Subaru forester diesel 2012
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2019, 15:23:06 PM »
Asa am luat masina


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Re: Subaru forester diesel 2012
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2019, 15:30:00 PM »
O fi aceeasi care a mai fost pe aici cu consumul asta? 12 e pt benzina ok. Pt diesel nuș ce sa zic... Daca checkul nu e aprins e posibil sa fie mascat in bord cu hartie. Am mai vazut. Cruise fara check nu exista.
Aia e...

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Re: Subaru forester diesel 2012
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2019, 15:49:46 PM »
Depinde si in ce conditii ai ”scos” consumul de 12%.
Daca ai facut drumuri scurte, de 5-6-7 km , cu motorul rece, e normal. Consumul se reduce doar dupa ce motorul ajunge la temperatura optima de functionare. In oras, la temperaturile actuale, ii ia ceva timp. Asta la modul general - altfel, in Bucuresti, in functie de traseu si perioada .... sky is the limit !!!

PS: Nu pot intelege cum ai cumparat o masina cu becuri aprinse in bord fara sa-i faci inainte o verificare in service !!??
Poate nu-i mare lucru dar poate sa fie si ceva ce sa-ti scoata o suma considerabila din buzunar !

PPS: MTFGA are dreptate - eu unul nu am vazut vreodata sa fie aprins doar martorul de CC. Intotdeauna cand a fost o problema se aprindea tripleta CC + VDCS (ESP) Off + Check Engine.
In mai bine de 10 ani de Subaru diesel, niciodata nu mi s-a aprins doar un singur martor dintre cei trei (bine, cu exceptia momentelor in care clipeste martorul VDCS - dar atunci este vorba despre conditii de aderenta precara - si dupa ce te avertizeaza sa o lasi mai usurel, se stinge...).
ex - Forester Boxer Diesel - MY2008
ex - XV Boxer Diesel - MY2016
ex - Impreza 2.0i CVT - MY2016
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Re: Subaru forester diesel 2012
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2019, 17:28:18 PM »
Am zis ca euro 5 nu are defecte la motor ca euro 4. Consumul e pe distante mici, dupa 10 km a scazut media la 11, iar ieri la 80 km afara avea 4,8 consum

Re: Subaru forester diesel 2012
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2019, 17:29:22 PM »
Cruise ul doar clipeste, practic nu am martor aprins in bord

Re: Subaru forester diesel 2012
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2019, 12:27:34 PM »
Vizita la service la un tester. La SMT.

Re: Subaru forester diesel 2012
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2019, 17:52:57 PM »
Problema a fost rezolvata, era o eroare la releu de bujii si am sters o si acum functioneaza si controlul tractiunii :)  Stie cineva unde pot gasi o camera de mansalier ca a mea vad ca nu mai functioneaza?

Re: Subaru forester diesel 2012
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2020, 10:53:22 AM »
Problema a fost rezolvata, era o eroare la releu de bujii si am sters o si acum functioneaza si controlul tractiunii :)  Stie cineva unde pot gasi o camera de mansalier ca a mea vad ca nu mai functioneaza?

Salutare, iti mai amintesti cumva ce cod de eroare era?


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Re: Subaru forester diesel 2012
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2020, 15:57:42 PM »
Cel mai probabil eroare P1380 Glow Relay Circuit, bujie arsa.
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Re: Subaru forester diesel 2012
« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2020, 14:51:32 PM »
Cel mai probabil eroare P1380 Glow Relay Circuit, bujie arsa.

Da, exact. In schimb tot am ramas cu o problema mai putin importanta dar zilele astea am zis ca am mai mult timp sa ma documentez  sa o rezolv.
Butonul de de control al tractiunii nu face nimic (niciodata de fapt nu a facut nimic), ma gandesc sa fie iar vreo siguranta...?
Indiferent daca il apas doar o data sau il tin apasat nu se intampla nimic, nici becul in bord nu se aprinde sa imi arate ca e dezactivat si nici masina nu se comporta ca si cum ar fi dezactivat...Cu alte cuvinte, stie cineva unde este siguranta de la butonul
de Control al tractiunii? :)


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Re: Subaru forester diesel 2012
« Reply #14 on: May 31, 2020, 07:18:27 AM »
L-ai cam jignit cu controlul tracțiunii.
Se pare ca e al stabilității:

How VDC Works
The VDC control module monitors various sensors (wheel speed, yaw rate, lateral-g) and evaluates the data to determine the vehicle’s direction. At the same time, the VDC control module receives driver inputs indicating steering angle and brake pressure to determine the driver’s intended direction. If there is a discrepancy between driver input and vehicle direction, VDC applies a corrective measure.

To correct understeer (front wheels don’t follow intended path), VDC applies braking force to the inside rear wheel. This counter-action pivots the car around the braked wheel and helps put it back on the driver’s intended course. At the same time, VDC optimizes All-Wheel Drive control by decreasing transfer clutch engagement to reduce power at the front wheels.

To correct oversteer (rear end slides out), VDC applies braking force to the outside front wheel. This counter-action pivots the car around the braked wheel to help bring the rear of the vehicle back in line. At the same time, VDC optimizes All-Wheel Drive control by increasing transfer clutch engagement to transfer more power to the front wheels. During an emergency lane change, for example, the quick change in direction could induce both understeer and oversteer. VDC responds by making continual adjustments to optimize stability and control.

VDC Advanced Logic
The Subaru VDC system responds to the varied conditions a driver might encounter on both dry and slippery surfaces. During straight-line acceleration, VDC controls engine output and braking of individual wheels (through TCS) and VTD All-Wheel Drive transfer clutch operation. During straight-line braking, the ABS function controls the braking action and the All-Wheel Drive transfer clutch operation.

Responding to oversteer with throttle depressed, VDC will:

Apply a strong brake force to the outer front wheel
Apply a slight brake force to the outer rear wheel
Increase transfer clutch engagement to transfer power to the front
Reduce engine output
Responding to oversteer with the brakes applied, VDC will:

Reduce brake force on the inner front wheel
Reduce brake force on the inner rear wheel
Increase brake pressure on the outer front wheel if the brake force applied by the driver is insufficient (in addition to the previous two steps)
Responding to understeer with the throttle depressed, VDC will:

Apply a slight brake force to the inner front wheel
Apply a strong brake force to the inner rear wheel
Reduce transfer clutch engagement to reduce power at the front wheels
Reduce engine output
Responding to understeer with the brakes applied, VDC will:

Reduce brake force on the outer front wheel
Reduce brake force to the outer rear wheel
Increase the brake force on the inner front wheel if the brake force applied by the driver is insufficient (in addition to the first two steps)
Increasing straight-line stability, VDC will:

Activate the centre differential clutches and lock the centre differential to stabilise the vehicle once it is driving in a straight line after a sharp steering manoeuvre. This takes advantage of the tendency for a vehicle with a locked centre differential to go straight.
Limited-Slip Rear Differential
For even greater traction capability, Subaru equips the 2005 Legacy 2.5 GT and all 2005 Outbacks with a viscous limited-slip rear differential. If one rear wheel starts to lose traction, the differential automatically diverts power to the other wheel. A limited-slip differential not only enhances traction on slippery road surfaces, but it is also a handling aid. For example, as the car enters a curve and weight transfers to the outside wheel, the inside wheel can lose traction. The limited-slip differential would, in this case, maintain the inside wheel’s speed making the vehicle more stable.
Drumul este mai spectaculos decât destinația.
Forester Boxer Diesel MY09
XV e-Boxer MY20


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Re: Subaru forester diesel 2012
« Reply #15 on: May 31, 2020, 07:32:55 AM »
« Last Edit: May 31, 2020, 07:36:11 AM by Xander »
Drumul este mai spectaculos decât destinația.
Forester Boxer Diesel MY09
XV e-Boxer MY20