Loc de dat cu capul - vol. II
Subaru club Romania

Loc de dat cu capul - vol. II


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Re: Loc de dat cu capul - vol. II
« Reply #520 on: June 06, 2019, 17:06:09 PM »


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Re: Loc de dat cu capul - vol. II
« Reply #521 on: June 06, 2019, 17:59:01 PM »
Depinde... zicea nene asta ceva de taxa pe roboti ca sa echilibreze costul uman si costul utilizarii robotilor.

Apoi ziceau de reintoarcerea fabricilor in tarile dezvoltate cu ajutorul robotilor, intrucat ar inlocui necesarul de forta de munca ieftina, repetitiva si oamenii ar putea sa lucreze in rolurile mai inalte, caz in care ar creste numarul de angajati in aceste tari dezvoltate.

Deja vorbim de scenarii ce acum 20-30 ani erau doar filme SF.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2019, 17:59:34 PM by MihaiFlorescu »


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Re: Loc de dat cu capul - vol. II
« Reply #522 on: June 06, 2019, 20:15:41 PM »
Asta cu întoarcerea producției din China in Europa, am mai auzit si in alt context.
Si - cel puțin in cazul industriilor de înaltă tehnologie - deja a început.
Din ce spuneau oamenii, motivul principal nu ar fi costurile de producție sau logistice ci furtul de tehnologie / spionajul industrial practicat pe scara larga in Extremul Orient.
Probabil știți ca toate companiile care au fabrici in China sunt obligatoriu asociate cu firme chineze. Si partenerul chinez trebuie sa aibă acces la tot know-how-ul companiei ...
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Re: Loc de dat cu capul - vol. II
« Reply #523 on: June 07, 2019, 08:57:07 AM »
Rednecks having fun...


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Re: Loc de dat cu capul - vol. II
« Reply #524 on: June 07, 2019, 16:55:36 PM »
Neamțu’ cu filmulețul mai lung ca unul de cinema, e pișcotar. E plictisitor filmulețul chiar și pe sărite. Nemții au rămas ultimii cu tehnologia, ca sa încaseze și pielea de pe europeni.Acum au atât de multe opțiuni ca sa facă pasul spre ecologie de nu știu ce aduce cel mai mare profit. Sunt in cea mai grea poziție, ce sa scoată ca sa nu piardă piața captivă dar sa facă și profit mai mare.
Isi marketeaza in continuare rahatul la muritori și se lauda cum au făcut monopol din piața auto europeană.
Mai bagă mici adevăruri ca sa meargă minciuna. 
Imi place partea cu Bentley sau Rolls cum sunt mai proaste ca mașini decât audi. Iar golful a fost depășit de suv-uri și e nasol. Skoda a dat foarte tare in piața germana de a eliminat Renault la volum( nu ca nu ar fi fost asta strategia).
Cu alte cuvinte cine le mai da bani și materie prima sa facă atâtea mașini in Europa ? Ford folosește imprimante pentru componente in SUA, o fi bine sa facă și nemții la fel? Greu.
Dați cu banii in vw ca se hotărăsc ei pana la urma ce bagă in ele.
Comentariul meu pare hate dar e sictir de atâta reclama mascata.
Drumul este mai spectaculos decât destinația.
Forester Boxer Diesel MY09
XV e-Boxer MY20

Re: Loc de dat cu capul - vol. II
« Reply #526 on: June 24, 2019, 09:47:31 AM »

 "One of SOA's biggest concerns is with 2.4L Turbo engine oil dilution and or extensive smoking following cold engine start. This item is a carryover item from [quality monitoring team] but it seems only achieved SBR's full attention recently."

Re: Loc de dat cu capul - vol. II
« Reply #527 on: June 24, 2019, 12:32:11 PM »
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Re: Loc de dat cu capul - vol. II
« Reply #528 on: June 24, 2019, 15:11:25 PM »
lasa ca ne face un rezumat ceva...
Subaru Forester SF 2l aspirat -1999

Re: Loc de dat cu capul - vol. II
« Reply #529 on: June 24, 2019, 15:23:25 PM »
Sorry! Nu stiu ce moasa-sa i-a apucat, pentru ca daca il accesezi de pe Google, se dechide articolul fara sa-ti ceara parale...
In fine, il trimit mai jos, in format complet...

TOKYO — Stung by recalls and quality slips, Subaru is racing to fix problems from recent product launches so they won't carry over and mar the critical launch of the next-generation Outback.

The hot-selling Japanese automaker is showing gains in some key areas, but the campaign to improve quality — a vexing issue at both its Japanese assembly plant and its American plant — is a work in progress, internal documents show.

Subaru is rushing to resolve lingering problems with North American suppliers and components as it prepares the redesigned Outback crossover, one of the brand's most important nameplates. Part of the challenge is fixing glitches that cropped up during the launch of the Ascent last year.

Internal reports on the progress, obtained by Automotive News, indicate that nearly half of Subaru's suppliers were recently operating at quality levels below Subaru's internal target. To boost performance, Subaru is overhauling its own production processes and working with suppliers.

They also show plenty of finger-pointing, with blame being spread among factory workers, designers in Japan and parts suppliers.

Subaru is scrambling to get its house in order before the problems undermine the brand's stellar public image. Indeed, despite an uptick in Subaru recalls, consumers keep clamoring for more of the brand's vehicles. Subaru is on track for a remarkable 11th-straight year of record U.S. sales in 2019.

Subaru is now focused on earning, in 2020, the top spot in Consumer Reports' reliability ranking and escaping the lower ranks of J.D. Power's Initial Quality Study, which is widely cited in auto advertising. Those goals were outlined in an internal report about Subaru of Indiana Automotive, the company's manufacturing operations in Lafayette, Ind., issued in April by the company's quality planning and management department.

In the closely watched Auto Reliability Survey from Consumer Reports, Subaru flourishes, finishing fourth in the fall 2018 report and second when the magazine updated the survey's scores this spring. It wants to jump to No. 1 in 2020, the Subaru document says.

But in J.D. Power's IQS report card, Subaru has consistently struggled. In 2018, it ranked fourth from the bottom in the industry, with 115 problems per 100 vehicles.

Subaru's internal report said it wanted to "break out of the bottom" and improve to 101 problems in 2019, then move up to "middle ranking," with 90 problems in 2020. But in the 2019 results, released last week, it finished seventh from the bottom, with 113 problems.

Bumpy road
The internal reports don't sugarcoat the scope of Subaru's challenge.

For starters, an April 26 report by Subaru's Quality Improvement Committee in Lafayette detailed a near quadrupling of warranty, recall and other quality-related claims on vehicles from $241 million in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2015, to $900.1 million in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019. The outlay over the five-year period topped $2.7 billion.

Subaru declined to say whether the documents were authentic or comment on their contents. But a spokeswoman said in a statement that the company always aims for the highest levels of quality.
"We acknowledge that over the past year we had more recalls than Subaru would like," the spokeswoman said. "We want there to be zero. But when faced with a quality problem, we have been able to move quickly to get ahead of issues that might affect our customers."
An April report from the quality planning and management department said that, over the preceding year, the cumulative defect rate for the Impreza small car was twice Subaru's internal target level. The defect rate with the Ascent crossover was also twice as high as the company's internal goal.

The April report said that 70 percent of Subaru vehicles are the object of recalls or service campaigns within two years of being purchased. It said the permissible limit should be 10 percent.

Meanwhile, a June 5 report from the company's ISO 9001 management review meeting, which benchmarks how the company is doing compared with quality standards laid forth by the International Organization for Standardization, partly blamed an influx of new workers for the drop in quality.

Subaru of Indiana Automotive's "sense of teamwork and sense of process ownership has degraded with the growth experienced since 2015," the report said, citing what it called "workforce instability" brought on by the rapid onboarding of new workers for the Outback start of production.

"This hinders our ability and previous strength to solve problems quickly," it said.

The April Quality Improvement Committee report cited four areas of concern, identifying problems that arose during the Ascent launch that might carry over to the Outback crossover, an important cash cow for the brand.

At the time of the report, the Outback was scheduled to enter production in late summer. The issues included problems with brake noise, seat wrinkles, oil dilution and battery failure.

"SBR and SOA must move more quickly to address these items," the report said, using the in-house abbreviations for the Subaru parent company and Subaru of America subsidiary.

"The carryover of poor quality into new model release must be prevented," the April report continued. "One of SOA's biggest concerns is with 2.4L Turbo engine oil dilution and or extensive smoking following cold engine start. This item is a carryover item from [quality monitoring team] but it seems only achieved SBR's full attention recently."

Countermeasure campaign
On the other hand, the report said, four other Ascent problems are on pace to be fixed before the launch of the Outback. They include failure of the continuously variable transmission, a problem with the front door-latch cable, seat fan noise and the loss of audio preset.

Subaru leveraged lessons from the Ascent to preempt some problems in the Outback.

The Subaru spokeswoman defended the Ascent as an "extremely successful launch" and a vehicle with "high standards of quality and reliability."

She added that the company makes improvements with each vehicle introduction.

"We learn from every vehicle launch and use what we learn to be a better car company," she said. "Our goal is to launch every vehicle with highest standards of safety, reliability and quality."

But Subaru of America turned some of the blame for the glitches back to the engineers in Japan who developed the vehicles. The April Quality Improvement Committee report cited more design issues than failures in American manufacturing.

"In defense of SIA," it said of the U.S. manufacturing company, "SOA believes that all the listed concerns have design related conditions.

"The majority are conditions that SOA believes should have been identified during development and pre-production confirmation testing," it said.

Supplier issues
Other problems were rooted in rapid turnover of factory workers and an influx of new workers, Subaru said. Delays in implementing solutions for known problems were also cited. A problem with opening the rear gate of the Forester was found during the July 2018 start of production in Japan, but as of April 1, Subaru had still not implemented a countermeasure.

In another case, a fuel injector leak was discovered by Subaru's internal quality monitoring team in March 2017. But a fix was introduced only in December 2018.

In supplier-involved recalls and service campaigns, the root cause was traced to development and design 60 percent of the time, the company's report said. That has triggered a push to reinforce quality improvement efforts upstream of development.

The June 5 report painted a mixed picture of Subaru's local supply chain. In each month of the fiscal year that ended March 31, 2019, suppliers missed Subaru's target average defective part rate. The target, measured in parts per million is 6 ppm or less. In four of the months, the average stood at 20 ppm or higher.

Some 107 suppliers met Subaru's internal quality goal for average defective part rate in the last fiscal year. But 101 others didn't, and 32 of those had an average rate over 50 ppm.

"A small group of suppliers have a large impact," the report concluded.

Subaru's internal scoreboard of overall supplier performance was improved from the previous fiscal year across eight categories, including chassis systems, engines, interior parts and stamping. But the overall performance had declined from two years earlier in all categories but one.

Subaru's production surge "taxed many suppliers," the June 5 report said. Subaru said it was helping parts makers leverage other suppliers and implement process changes to boost capacity.

Among the requested improvements by Subaru's local quality monitoring team was greater leeway to make countermeasure decisions without having to wait for Japan to sign off.

"Decisions should be made and not need overseas final approval," the report said, adding that exceptions should be reserved for issues related to safety and government regulations.

It also recommended changes to the design manufacturing process to bake in quality improvements, rather than just relying on additional inspections and retraining on old processes.


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Re: Loc de dat cu capul - vol. II
« Reply #530 on: June 25, 2019, 12:24:08 PM »
Asa mecanici sa tot ai...

Re: Loc de dat cu capul - vol. II
« Reply #531 on: June 26, 2019, 12:54:36 PM »
(la motor nu as merge pe Motul);

A mai fost un "domn" care a zis cam acelasi lucru dar intr-un mod mult mai arogant(desi aroganta dansului a fost motivata de "vasta" sa experienta cu Motul).
In schimb tu chiar ai experienta cu acest motor si nici nu esti cum a fost/este "domnul" mai sus mentionat.
Nu sunt ambasador al marcii Motul si nici nu am experienta cu motoarele diesel..... dar care este motivatia acestei afirmatii?
Este vorba doar de preferinta sau exista dovezi ca aceasta marca de ulei nu este buna (sau nu este cea mai buna) pentru motoarele diesel Subaru?
Ca sunt motoare diesel care au mers si ~300000 km cu acest ulei fara probleme......


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Re: Loc de dat cu capul - vol. II
« Reply #532 on: June 26, 2019, 13:26:01 PM »
A mai fost un "domn" care a zis cam acelasi lucru dar intr-un mod mult mai arogant(desi aroganta dansului a fost motivata de "vasta" sa experienta cu Motul).
In schimb tu chiar ai experienta cu acest motor si nici nu esti cum a fost/este "domnul" mai sus mentionat.
Nu sunt ambasador al marcii Motul si nici nu am experienta cu motoarele diesel..... dar care este motivatia acestei afirmatii?
Este vorba doar de preferinta sau exista dovezi ca aceasta marca de ulei nu este buna (sau nu este cea mai buna) pentru motoarele diesel Subaru?
Ca sunt motoare diesel care au mers si ~300000 km cu acest ulei fara probleme......

Întrebare: ai boxer diesel și l-ai folosit cu motul in el minim 3 ani ?
Drumul este mai spectaculos decât destinația.
Forester Boxer Diesel MY09
XV e-Boxer MY20

Re: Loc de dat cu capul - vol. II
« Reply #533 on: June 26, 2019, 13:42:10 PM »
nu am experienta cu motoarele diesel nu am experienta cu motoarele diesel nu am experienta cu motoarele diesel nu am experienta cu motoarele diesel
« Last Edit: June 26, 2019, 13:42:44 PM by Dragosh10 »


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Re: Loc de dat cu capul - vol. II
« Reply #534 on: June 26, 2019, 13:44:40 PM »

Cum se zice in intaliana, răspunsul este in întrebarea ta.
Drumul este mai spectaculos decât destinația.
Forester Boxer Diesel MY09
XV e-Boxer MY20

Re: Loc de dat cu capul - vol. II
« Reply #535 on: June 26, 2019, 14:43:20 PM »
Multumesc Marius!

aviz amatorilor de raspunsuri "inteligente": ASA SE DA UN RASPUNS SERIOS LA O INTREBARE SERIOASA


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Re: Loc de dat cu capul - vol. II
« Reply #536 on: June 26, 2019, 15:22:11 PM »
Sa traiesti !

PS: Pentru efortul ”creativ”, dai o cafea prima data cand ajung pe la voi !
Nu mai ascunzi fisele !!!  ;D
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Re: Loc de dat cu capul - vol. II
« Reply #537 on: June 26, 2019, 15:47:45 PM »
@Xander, cred ca late editul ala nu avea ce sa caute acolo.
Printre altele, si locul de munca e o informatie cu caracter personal(adresa locului poate duce la persoana in cauza), si cred ca e la latitudinea fiecaruia daca vrea sa o dezvaluie. :)
« Last Edit: June 26, 2019, 15:49:00 PM by Serb »


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Re: Loc de dat cu capul - vol. II
« Reply #538 on: June 26, 2019, 16:04:23 PM »
@Serb nu știu despre ce vorbești. Ai un link, ceva, unde descrie ce scrii tu?
Drumul este mai spectaculos decât destinația.
Forester Boxer Diesel MY09
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Re: Loc de dat cu capul - vol. II
« Reply #539 on: June 26, 2019, 16:53:09 PM »
Legat de info personale?

Mai bine vb in pm, ca deja deviem prea mult de la uleiuri.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2019, 16:55:12 PM by Serb »