Daca sarim peste poze si citim tot ce scrie acolo, vedem urmatoarele:
1. Foresterul a obtinut calificativul ”Top Safety Pick +”
2. In ce priveste pasagerul, avem aici detaliat punctajul:
https://www.iihs.org/iihs/ratings/vehicle/v/subaru/forester-4-door-suv/2016Si ce scrie mai jos ?
Dupa aprecierile privind deformarea structurii - citate de coleg mai devreme - avem asa:
Passenger injury measuresMeasures from the dummy indicate that
injuries to the right lower leg would be possible. T
he risk of significant injuries to other body regions is low.Passenger restraints and dummy kinematicsThe dummy’s movement was well controlled. The dummy’s head loaded the frontal airbag, which stayed in front of the dummy until rebound. The side curtain airbag deployed and has sufficient forward coverage to protect the head from contact with side structure and outside objects. The side torso airbag also deployed.
In rest da, colegul Andrei are dreptate - la
o masina SH sunt multe alte aspecte mai importante decat scorul obtinut de
masina noua in conditii de laborator.
Cu o singura corectie - da, in viata reala sunt mai importate aspectele privind tractiunea, dinamica, stabilitatea, condusul defensiv, etc - dar aceastea sunt masuri de siguranta active, nu pasive.
Masurile de siguranta pasive sunt cele legate de structura de rezistenta, airbag-uri, etc.